Fun Game #1


Hello everyone..

So let’s play game today.. It’s one of my favorite game by the way..It’s called “Random Thoughts”

Erm..Very straight forward indeed huh? LOL..Anyway here are the steps on how to play this fun and interesting game!

Step 1: Write random words in pieces of paper. (psst, don’t let your friends see them!)

Step 2: Fold those papers and jumble them up in a box

Step 3: Choose 1 piece of paper

Step 4: Stand up and speak please!


This game will definitely help you in gaining confidence and it will also train your brain to think quickly!





The Role of Parents in Student Success

Parents are a valuable asset to promoting student success, especially during the middle school years when “children often become less focused on school and run the risk of disengaging” and when parent involvement decreases.  Additionally, family members and supportive adults—which encompass caring adults such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and mentors—also encourage student growth.  An extensive body of research exists that demonstrates the number of positive outcomes associated with parent engagement in their child’s education.  Studies show it improves students’ academic performance, attendance and graduation rates; reduces dropout rates and at-risk behaviors such as alcohol and drug use; and positively impacts students’ attitudes, behaviors and overall well-being.  What’s more, these benefits remain true for children and families regardless of household income, race or ethnicity.

However, it is important to note that there is a range of ways for parents to engage in their child’s learning, each with different degrees of effectiveness. A meta-analysis of studies that focus specifically on parent involvement during the middle school years identified three distinctive categories of parent involvement:

“Research shows that parent involvement in schools has multiple positive impacts: student success increases, along with teacher morale and overall school quality. It’s like the secret ingredient in the recipe for educational success!”
– Betsy Landers, National PTA President
  • School-based involvement, such as volunteering at school and interaction between teachers and parents;
  • Home-based involvement, such as help with homework and other academic-related activities at home; and
  • Academic socialization, which includes communication between parents and children that conveys the importance of education and encourages future academic and occupational goals.

The analysis found that while parent involvement as a whole is associated with positive gains in academic achievement among middle schoolers, activities falling under the category of academic socialization demonstrated the strongest relationship.  A separate multi-year case study on parent engagement in middle school offered policy recommendations associated with academic socialization after evaluating the effects of various modes of engagement.  Recommendations included helping parents better communicate their hopes to their child, strengthening relationships and developing trust between parents and school staff, ensuring parents are able to attend school events, and working with parents to further parent engagement efforts.